WellStart Women’s Wellness Group Program - next date to be advised.

A fantastic bunch of women joined the last group. We had fun, exercised, learnt about health and wellbeing topics, discovered a lot about ourselves and each participant embarked on their own personal wellness journey.

I love helping busy women take charge of their health and wellness and make positive, lasting changes.

The WellStart Women's Wellness Group, is an introductory program that utilises Wellness Coaching and group exercise to help you kickstart your wellness journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

We're all unique and wellness means different things to different people, but wellness is so much more than just exercise and diet. It's the integration of body, mind and spirit. Let's work together holistically to build a better life for you on your terms.

The goals of the program are to: help you identify your own unique Wellness Vision; assist you to set, reach, and maintain your goals; arm you with information and resources to help you reach your wellness goals; use a variety of exercise techniques to help get you moving; and the big one - increase health, happiness and wellbeing.

What's included in WellStart Women’s Group?:

  • 1 x 1.0 hour Wellness Coaching per week

  • 1 x 1.0 hour exercise session per week

  • Home exercise program

  • Helpful resources

  • Email support

  • Private Facebook group

  • Allied Health Professional guidance (I am an experienced and registered Occupational Therapist, a certified Wellness Coach and an AusREPS Exercise Professional)

What are the benefits of a group wellness program?

  • Supportive environment

  • Encouragement, inspiration and motivation from likeminded women

  • Shared ideas and experiences

  • Accountability so your to-do's get done

  • Cost effective

What if I'm not into groups?

If groups are not your thing, I also provide 1:1 Wellness Coaching Personal Training. Just email me at info@laurelparsonswellness.com.au or call 0417 991 226 to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to find out how we could work together.